Data Types

SQL Server data types

SQL Server associates columns, expressions, variables, and parameters with data types

Data types determine what kind of data can be stored in the field:
       Integer, characters, dates, money, binary strings, etc.

SQL Server supplies several built-in data tyes
Developers can also define custom type
      Aliases in T-SQL
      User-defined types in .NET code
Built-in data types are categorized as shown in the table below

 SQL Server Data Type Categories
 Exact numeric
 Unicode characters
 Approximate numeric
 Binary strings
 Date and Time
 Character strings

Numeric data types

Exact Numeric

 Data Type
 Storage (bytes)
 0 to  255
 -32, 768, to 32, 768
 2 ^ 31 (-2, 147, 483, 648) to
2 ^ 31 - 1 (2, 147, 483, 647)
 -2 ^ 63 - 2 ^ 63-1
(+ / - 9 Quintilian)
 1, 0 or NULL
 decimal / numeric
 - 10 ^ 38 + 1 through  10 ^ 38 -1
When maximum precision is used
 5 - 17
 -922, 337, 203, 685, 477.5808 to
922, 337, 203, 685, 477.5807
 - 214, 748.3648  to  214, 748.3647

Decimal/ numeric are functionally equivalent and use precision and scale parameters:

DECLARE  @mydecimal  AS  DECIMAL  8 , 2)

Approximate Numeric

 Data Type
 Storage (bytes)
 -1.79E + 308 to -2.23E-308, 0 and 2.23E-308 to 1.79E+308
 Depends on value of  n, 4 or 8
 -3.40E + 38 to -1.18E - 38, 0 and 1.18E - 38 to 3.40E + 38

float(24) is the ISO synonym for float

In float(n), n is the number of bytes used to store the mantissa of the float number in scientific notation

Values of float are truncated when converted to integer types

Binary String data types

Binary Strings

 Data Type
 Storage (bytes)
 1-8000 bytes
 n bytes
 1-8000 bytes
 n bytes + 2
 1-2.1 billion (approx) bytes
 actual length + 2

Other data types

 Data Type


Storage (Bytes)





Successor type to timestamp



 Globally unique identifier (GUID)


0 - 2 GB

0 - 2 GB
Stores XML in native hierarchical structure




Not a storage data type


Depends on content
Represents position in a hierarchy


0 - 8000 bytes
Depends on content
Can store data of various data types



Not a storage data type, used for query and programmatic operations

Converting strings with PARSE

PARSE is new function in SQL Server 2012 that converts strings to date, time, and number types

 PARSE element



Formatted nvarchar(4000) input


Requested data type output

 Optional string in .NET culture form:
en-US, es-ES, ar-SA, etc.

PARSE example:

SELECT  PARSE ('02/12/2012'  AS datetime2  USING 'en - US')  AS parse_result ;